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What is Edumate?

Edumate (formerly ClassMaster) is an online assessment platform which uses artificial intelligence to make paper or computer-based teaching resources digital and mark assignments in seconds. It saves you time creating content and marking, provides students with instant feedback, and gives you deeper insights into student performance.

How does Edumate work?

Teachers upload their existing teaching resources, such as classwork, homework and assessments, to make them digital, or create new ones from scratch.

Teaches then create virtual classrooms and enroll their students in these classes. They can then assign work to these classes or sub-groups of students within them.

Students can then complete their work online from any device, in school or at home. Edumate reads their answers, matches their answers to the answer key, and marks assessments in seconds.

As students submit their work, teachers get detailed analytics on how they did. Teachers can manually correct the marking if needed, and leave direct comments on student responses, as well as viewing performance insights for each question, student or group.

Learn more about how Edumate works here.

How do I create an account?

Edumate gives teachers everything they need to take their classwork, homework & assessments online for FREE. To get started, simply head over and register here.

Where can I find more information?

Visit our Help Center for detailed articles and videos or contact us using their form to the right, or directly at for one-on-one support.

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